Our Story

Kid-toting, cargo-friendly strollers were the original inspiration behind VOOMcart. When the kids outgrew the strollers, we struggled to carry things and wanted our wheels back! What was out there lacked the ability to walk naturally and to load easily. That was when we decided to create VOOMcart. We are passionate about improving the way we navigate our daily lives.

Tori Wright, Erin Binnie, Jimmy Rogers Founders of VOOMcart

Tori Wright, Erin Binnie & Jim Rogers

Our team spent several years designing, engineering, and testing many prototypes. In August 2019, we ran a successful Kickstarter campaign, only to face our supply chain being floored by COVID in early 2020.  With patient backers, we persevered and were proud to introduce the first VOOMcarts to hit the sidewalks in April 2021.